5 Antioxidant to Consume

Antioxidants can be produced by the body, but can also be added from outside the body through food and food supplement (food additional).

Antioxidants that product in the body called endogen antioxidants, such as three-enzyme, namely superoksida dismutase, glutation peroksidase, and katalase. They neutralize free radicals duty. Task is assisted by the antioxidants from the outside, eksogen commonly referred to as antioxidants, which comes from food. They consist of vitamin C, vitamin E, betakaroten, zinc, and selenium.

Selenium (Se) for example, can be obtained from the garlic, red rice, white rice, shrimp, tuna, lobster, eggs, chicken, corn seeds, corn, and cereals. Enzyme selenium neutralize peroxide other work, such as peroxide that fat factor may be bad for the body because the cause of disease degenerative.

Zinc as antioxidants play a role in enzyme structure and function in the body. Food that is rich in zinc include crab, beef liver, beef, cereals, lobster, chicken, sometimes, milk, and eggs.

So that antioxidants can destroy all types of free radicals effectively, according to Slaga and Keuneke, the role of antioxidants eksogen very strategic. Vitamin E will initially capture free radicals. Unfortunately, vitamin E and vitamin E to be changed radically, so that should help vitamin C.

Malang is also, after the arrest vitamin E radical, the vitamin C also become vitamin C radical. Here glutation required to neutralize vitamin C radical into a more benign compound, and not a radical.

Vitamin C can be obtained from fruits such as guava, strawberry, papaya, broccoli, oranges, mango, spinach, cassava leaves, and tomatoes. While vitamin E in a lot of apples, bananas, asparagus, spinach, pea, and other green vegetables, other than sunflower oil, margarine, wheat, nuts, seeds, eggs, and milk. The betakaroten can we get from carrots, broccoli, potatoes, papaya, and tomatoes.

Given the diverse sources of antioxidants such, it is important for us every day to also mengonsumsi food source that also varies. In sick or exposed to a lot of smoke and other pollution, we need more antioxidants Feed. If the food from the daily can not be enough, add supplements antioxidants.


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