Tips To Maintain The Beauty Of Woman

It is important to maintain health and to treat beauty. Of course it is what is required by women to be more interesting. Following tips will help you to treat your beauty

1. Massage:
Massage is done with the use of oil you can throw the blood circulation and gives good flavor to the skin and mind .... The kind of massage is also diverse ranging from traditional balinesse massage, stone massage, shiatsu, thai massage, herbal maaasage, ayurvedic massage and deep tissue massage.

2. Body Scrub and Body Mask (mask):
Well done once a week to remove dirt and keep the skin in order to keep the skin bright and also provides nutrition required cortex, this you can get depends on the type of Body Scrub do you use

3. Aromatheraphy burner:
Very good for stress theraphy, aroma's essential that the fuel in the burner bowl akan workplace can affect the brain so that your brain can do relaxation stress and tense. Can also be used simultaneously for pengharum room. Mix only a few drops of essential oils in a burner and burn the candle from the bottom, repeat as often as I want you to have many options aroma taste appropriate choice for you in a state of stress is recommended to choose the aroma lavender and lemon grass Treatment is not only blind, but women also can be used for all family members.

4. Hundred / Garba Wangi:
This is a special treatment to remove the smell of women do not tasty on femininity and also other diseases, and feminize your mat .... There are 2 ways, namely the use of hundreds of systems and steam evaporation. For evaporation is very practical .... You can enter a hundred into a bucket that is filled with boiling water and you can sit directly above for 15 minutes without using the clothing in the steam until it disappears.

5. Bathroom Rempah:
For a bathtub, you can choose this treatment, with enough spice bath soak this in your bathtub water before you bath and dry afterwards and can be used again for the aroma of spices is missing. Its function is to eliminate body odor aroma, the tired and the prolonged stress.

6. Salt bath:
Almost the same as the spice bath but this can weaken the skin and refine legs (available in foot salt) you berendam enough for 15-20 minutes before your bath.