Health For All

Fill the health needs of citizens, and you will win the election. Yes that is the first sentence Kompas opinion article this week that be by Sugeng Bahagijo. A sentence that could be true indeed. Indonesian society is now constantly waiting for the concept of health is good and certainly affordable by all citizens. Start of program Gakin scheme, Askeskin, and now Jamkesmas, it seems health programs still full of problems.

Five years post-Act National Social Security System (SJSN) 2004, which would re-arrange health insurance, we have not heard the candidates the president's plan to accelerate the implementation of SJSN. Seven months before the presidential election, we also have not seen a detailed plan of health and credible, by which voters can be assessed, supported, or rejected. Now, rather than a banner and banyak2 out the promise of a clear, get the president to think about caleg and sitem guarantee national health insurance system, including the best for Indonesia.

WHO's standards, that is, the health budget 15 percent, Indonesia new budget provides 2.8 percent of all its national budget in 2009 (much of insanity). Sugeng further states "When you have to choose, more appropriate health education rather than the main get budget 20 percent." I say, both must be balanced. Some days, education is very highlighted, so that eventually the government education budget to 20 percent. However, more and more health not listening. Questions appear in my mind, if the child is sick and does not have the cost of treatment, and he make school and achieve optimal performance? Similarly, when the low level of education, whether they will be concerned with their health? So all must running together.

The need for health insurance that covers all of Indonesia should be answered to by the government. The longer the cost of health care increasingly expensive. Rights to health disparities will continue if changes not made. A lack of social insurance for.

Now feasible awaited answers to many questions by Sugeng called "why we are stingy in the budget allocation for health. Will this be maintained? Jamkesnas will resumed Really? What about those who are not covered Jamkesnas?"