7 Tips On Preventing Problems Gums

Time to discuss dental health issues, certainly in your mind will be focused on the problem tooth own good that the perforated teeth, teeth that are not flat and so on. But in addition to the teeth, gum also hold a very important role in the case of dental and oral health as a whole.

Gum problems are the most commonly experienced by patients is swollen and bloody. This phenomenon could be a sign of gum disease or other diseases, the more dangerous. There are many factors that can cause gum problems, among others, on how to brush teeth mistake, a mistake is to clean the teeth, gum disease, and so forth. But this time we will not discuss the factors that one but one more focused on how to or tips to prevent problems that arise in your gum.

Next 7 tips to avoid problems on your gum:

1. Brush your teeth a lack of minimum two times a day. Make sure you brush teeth the right way. If you do not know or do not understand how to brush teeth the right, immediately consult with your dentist.

2. Clean the teeth with the fine yarn every day. With clean food residue remaining in the gap between by teeth and gum every day with a fine thread so you can be as early as possible to prevent interference in the gum and teeth. Thread cleaning your teeth can get in the nearest pharmacy.

3. Eat nutritious foods. Nutritious food here, including vitamin C and calcium. Both substances are very useful for maintaining the teeth and gum health.

4. Drink enough water. Drinking enough water after meals will help clean the food residue remaining on the teeth and gum. This will reduce the number of bacteria that live there.

5. Say no to cigarettes. Stop smoking at this time also because smoking is not good health for your teeth and gum.

6. Avoid food that is too hot and cold. Food that is too hot and too cold can damage the teeth and gum health you. Moreover, you are currently in trouble with the gum and the teeth of warm food is a popular choice.

7. Relaxation. If you stress, the disease will occur any faster and appear on the disease, including tooth and gum. This is because of the increased stress hormone that is kortisol. This hormone will disrupt your body's normal system and fishing some dangerous diseases.


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