Lower Body Weight In 2 Weeks

You have a big event in two weeks. Clothing have been prepared, and you feel the need to lose weight in a short time. Try this way. Hopefully useful.

1. Define the purpose
Did you, your goals lower body weight can be a powerful motivation. Look for the main goal you want to lean back. Place, or write the ideals that are in place you will most often see.

2. Eating patterns
Everyone have a lower body weight style different. This is tailored to the habits and body metabolism system. You can follow the meal pattern below:

a. Eat twice a day
At first you may feel hungry, but after a long time to definitive. Try the breakfast a bit more day (before breakfast brunch lunch-time), at around 9.30-10.00 am. After that guaranteed you still feel full at lunch. Stomach cried aloud again at around 16.00-17.00. So, it is time for "lunch". After that, forget dinner. Chewing only fruits or vegetables if the stomach is very keep struggling.

b. Avoid sugar
This is not too difficult, just change the mind set that more tasty than fresh sweet. Do not forget, there are also glucose contents in rice. Therefore, Making reduce the portion of rice on the lunch to half of your normal portion. It is recommended to drink juice with no sugar and have a drink of water and white.

c. Many white water
Drinking water is often white so up to bed, as much as you can drink. White drinking water (not cold), first thing in the morning, will make you react digestion. after that there will be pressure to immediately run to the bathroom.

3. Clean belly
Always try to defecate on a regular basis, every day. Most appropriate if you remove familiarize oneself every morning. For the unfamiliar, this is clearly difficult, but I can do. All human action and reaction is basically driven by the brain. Therefore, Arrange your head, make sure your body, that you have to do every morning. At the initial stage is not necessarily successful. But after a long time you will find the most appropriate way to do it. Can help with drinking a glass of warm water and white, for example.

4. Burning calories
Often do activities that burn calories consciously. When you bring the vehicle to the office, the parking place in the most remote. This will create a business you need to walk from car to room. In the afternoon, you can also use the emergency stairs for exercise.
To be more systematic, you need to know the standard of calories needed to perform normal activities of the day. For women, it needs 40 calories / kg body weight. So, if your body weight of 60kg, then the calories that are required to work in a day is a normal 40 kg x 60 calories = 2400 calories.

There are some activities you can do to burn calories. The following activities can burn calories if done for 15 minutes: Walking (50 calories), bowling (50 calories), cycling (80 calories), tennis and aerobic (100 calories), swimming (125 calories), running (150 calories).


Perencanaan Keuangan said...

Interesting, I will try this method...thanks a lot.

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