What do you think if someone come to you and he makes everything in funny act? That the happened on Twitter base camp. Over flood by joker. Do you arrived there too? Can you tell me more about something crazy?
Honestly, joke is important when you got stressed, maybe on you r job or in situation in your life that seems make you not interested. Althogh of this, try to find out, what gone in Twitter base camp.
I have an announcement to make. You know this Twitter thing? Well, it's public. Lots of people can see it. That might just include policemen.
I am forced to make this announcement because of the plight of Paul Chambers.
Chambers, according to the Independent, had decided to go on vacation to Ireland. He was, however, disturbed that his local airport, in Doncaster, U.K., was closed due to the snow that has stunned the old country into its much-admired traditional winter paralysis.
Being a Twittering fiend, he tweeted to his followers: "Robin Hood airport is closed. You've got a week and a bit to get your s*** together, otherwise I'm blowing the airport sky high!!"
Not for one moment did he think that someone might imagine him to be, well, a fiend. You see, if you watched Ricky Gervais host the Golden Globe awards, you'll know that the British like to joke about anything.
And you have to understand something about Doncaster, Chambers' home town. It's a few years since I've been there but, it used to resemble Fresno, Calif., without the sense of hope. A clue that things might not have improved would be that they have named their airport, Robin Hood, after a hero who has traditionally been associated with the city of Nottingham.
So who could possibly be surprised that a week after sending the tweet, Chambers received a visit from the police who questioned him for seven hours?
He told the Independent: "They said I was being arrested under the Terrorism Act and produced a piece of paper. It was a print-out of my Twitter page."
Chambers said that these particular policepersons were not entirely au fait with microblogging: "I had to explain Twitter to them in its entirety because they'd never heard of it."
The police, who said they'd received a tip about the tweet, perhaps explained to Chambers that it wasn't all that funny. They certainly removed it from his Twitter page. They also arrested him. They have bailed him until February 11. They have taken away his laptop, his home computer, and even his iPhone. To add to the emotional drift against him, he was suspended from his job as a finance supervisor and banned from Robin Hood airport for life.
Perhaps the police might have overreacted. Perhaps Chambers is, indeed, "the most mild-mannered guy you could imagine", as he claimed to the Independent.
However, the most mild-mannered guy I could imagine--my often semicomatose friend, Luke--would definitely not send a tweet threatening to blow an airport sky high. Because he's funnier than that.
Twitter airport bomb joker arrested
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nice article..
Thanks you Very much..
Funny !!!
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mantabs....lengkap banget infonya..thanks bro...
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Thanks, nice info
nice information..thx dah berbagi
nice post...thx..
tq, sdh berbagi info..
trims udah berbagi pengalamannya
bagi yg mau pasang link silahkan kunjungan baliknya
wah mesti buka kamus dulu nih
nais post..
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dunia biru mendatangi negeri hijau
keep spirit
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good post..slm knl
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gud article..
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good information
Great idea. thanx untuk berbagi informasi. Aku akan pasti akan menggunakan ini.
artikel yang bagus bos.. salam kenal dari karawang ya
Artikel yg bagus dan menambah ilmu
thanks for sharing..it is useful information
Waahhh informasinya sangat bermanfaat
Ane coba deh..
Oiya mampir2 donk gan ke blog ane, msh newbie niih
Emg keren klo bisa bhs inggris ya
it's wonderfull...
Simple tapi kereeeennnn....
nice phost:)
nice share...
knjngan perdana di blog bagus ini..salam kenal sobat
Nice artcle but I need more specific
twitter is very nice. I like it
ITs' very godd article
Thanks you Very much.
twitter is very nice. I like it !
too much spam in here
mantafz gan
like twitter
nice article, idea verry good
nice info
top dah
nice article
Great Post!!
artikelnya kelihatan keren.. tapi sayang aku kurang ngerti bahasa inggris.
good information
thank you
thanks, like this article
verry good
nice article gan
Good Article..i like..this post..keep a happy blogging..
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nice boss..!!
Thanks infonya bos,
lumayan nambah-nambah pengetahuan saya, tapi kebetulan saya belum punya account di Twitter..
Salam kenal aja Bos..
hahaha very funny
nice posting bro
wah infonyha bagus-bagus nih... salam kenal saja ... thanks
nice info.
there is a lot of comment from nice post
good post..
nice info n salm kenal
nice info...
mantabs postingan nya...
blogwaking gan...
thanks a lot
very nice article bro, keep writing!
nice share, I like this article
thanks for your info
nice info
keep writing
nice info..keep spirit...
good job .. nice articles..
joke self healing power..
nise info gan !!!!
thanks for the info and explanation provided
Thanks,,,, salam kenal,,,,
Well that is probably a first for Twitter!
info yang menarik...
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It is needed sometime when man depressed with
great post i really like it.
keep posting stuff like this
mantab gan infonya :)
nice article,,,,
twitter friend boomberr goog :) haha
thanks for the informations...
nice posting..
nice info, keep posting brother...
nice artikle
in another time you need to be careful to joke...hehehe
good post
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keren mas blog nya
thanks for the info and explanation provided
thanks for your info..
blog walking... :D
bagus... blognya..
Nice info.... tanks banget..
nice article
Thanks you Very much
blogwalking ya gan.. salam kenal
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Nice info! Thanks for sharing :)
makasih ya infonya.. nice tread.
Thanks for article ...nica , gan
I'm very happy to read your article, thats good aarticle, Honestly, joke is important when you got stressed, maybe on you r job or in situation in your life that seems make you not interested. Althogh of this, try to find out, what gone in Twitter base camp.
keren bangett,..... infonya mantepp banget....
membantu saya yang lagi nyari pencerahan.
Good article, Thanks for sharing! Keep share...!
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berkunjung kembali ke blog sahabat, sudah lama tak menyapa dan saling berkunjung...
I like this blog. interesting and useful for me. I am so increased knowledge.thanks and godbless
thanks informative article..
on my twitter too many funny stories and fun ..... here was also a fun entertainment
nice post and tahnks for sharing
very useful and weighted
very interesting. funny things that make people stay young. Especially if the twitter, the goal we're having fun, so need a funny thing
Nice post.. we should carefully about Twitter and also FB.. unless we may arrested by police... Thanks.. nice blog :)
informasi di twitter memang luar biasa dahsyat
thanks info...
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Kerennn gan
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Good Artikel
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Nice Post...
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