Tea For Health

Tea that we drink a lot of benefit for our health. In fact the best tea can reduce the risk of a heart disease, and even may help prevent the occurrence of cancer and Alzheimer's Disease.

There are different types of tea, black tea, green, white and oolong tea. All types of tea come from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. Differences of the kind of tea is processed from the leaves. Green tea is not fermented but steamed and dried. While black tea and oolong tea leaves fermented and destroyed.

Tea is rich in the womb polifenol, that is a kind of antioxidants that can damage cells mendetoksifikasi due to free radicals. Gynecology polifenol higher on the eight to ten times than the fruits and vegetables.

From the results of the research, people who drink the tea two or more cups a day, rarely have heart disease and stroke, had a total cholesterol level and a lower LDL, and can recover from heart attack more quickly. Tea can also help against ovarium cancer and breast cancer.

In addition, the tea can help ease stress and make us more relaxed. There is research in the UK that people who drink black tea to be able to recover from stress more quickly than people who drink tea that is not genuine or has been mixed. Tea drinker has a degree kortisol, stress hormones, lower.

Also in tea are catechins, which can be similar flavonid against disease and as antioxidants. Gynecology is the key to health benefits provided by the tea. To get the flavonoid content in more, longer steep tea. The longer you steep the tea, the more proactive flavonid obtained.
Some research suggests tea to drink three cups a day to reduce the risk of a heart disease.


Perencana Keuangan said...

Let's drink tea...I like green tea a lot..thanks for your info.

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